Monday, November 9, 2009 movie

Here is the! Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Continuous Servo Motor with ARDUINO

The continuous servo motor is a little tricky to interface with the ARDUINO. The main challenge is to find out how to stop the rotation. Once called using myservo.write(value) it will continue to rotate at a certain speed.


1> The stop value for the continuous servo is generally around 90. However, it will not be exact. It could be 89, 92 etc. This needs to be determined by trial and error. This can also be adjusted by turning a small '+' on the motor. Once you determine this stop_value, please make a note of it on the motor.

2> One the above stop_value is determined, stop_value + (small_value) will rotate clockwise and stop_value - (small_value) will rotate anticlockwise or vice-versa and the speed is determined by how much you add or subtract to the stop_value. The final value should be in the range 0-180.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Project 3 Teams

Akshay & Joe / Linnea - Room Scale
Raghu & Vidya - Component Scale (drawer)
Sumod & Tony - Object Scale (night stand)